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Tag Archives: Dr. Pasco E. Hanes
Death at the Box Company: Murder of Earl Paris 1928
Murder Victim Earl Paris 32-year-old Night Watchman 1896-1928 Cause of Death: Gunshot Motive: Robbery Murder Scene and Date Iowa Fiber Box Company Commercial Alley Keokuk, Iowa Lee County February 18, 1928 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By Nancy Bowers Written December 2011 When day … Continue reading
Posted in Murders, Unsolved Iowa Murder
Tagged Bloody Run Creek, Cecil Earl Paris, Daniel J. McNamara, Death at the Box Company: Murder of Earl Paris 1928, Dr. Frank B. Dorsey Jr., Dr. Johannes Anderson, Dr. Pasco E. Hanes, Frank W. Oertel, Fred Weisemann, H.E. Coles, Henry J. Faber, Henry Van Essling, Iowa Unsolved Murders, J.B. Parks, murder of Cecil Earl Paris, murder of Earl Paris, Paul A. Reinig, Robert H. Hart, Rosetta "Rosie" McKenna Paris, Unsolved Iowa Murders, Unsolved Keokuk County Iowa murders, Unsolved Keokuk Iowa murders, Virgil Coovert
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